Adult Changes in Thought Study

Administrative Core

The Administrative Core provides the necessary organization, communication, and financial oversight for the entire body of research. This includes project management, development of policies and procedures to support nimble, effective governance, and ongoing assessment of progress. This core is based in team science, building on 25 years of leadership experience in the Adult Changes in Thought (ACT) Study.

Among the Administrative Core’s key activities are the planning and execution of the annual ACT Symposium, facilitating the use of ACT’s data and analytic resources, and implementing a semi-annual internal evaluation to identify areas of strength and barriers to optimal collaboration.

The Administrative Core is overseen by KatieRose Johnson, an experienced project director and Nicole Gatto, an epidemiologist, both at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute.

Ms. Johnson manages the ACT Study operations and leverages her 11 years of working with the ACT investigators to ensure program-wide efficiencies and refine processes to maximize the use of ACT Study data resources.

Dr. Gatto manages the ACT Study scientific administration and leverages her over two decades of research experience with several large longitudinal cohort studies.

Collaboration with the ACT Study is initiated through the Administrative Core. Contact us to learn more.


KatieRose Johnson

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Nicole Gatto, MPH, PhD

Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

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