ACT Form 77 collects self-reported medical history information on ACT participants. A high-level overview of the content areas is shown below.
Perceived Health
Self-rated health
Use of adult day care, home health, nursing home, rehab hospital, or handivan / handicab services
Cardiovascular History
Chest pain, including context (when walking, duration, etc.)
Sudden weakness / paralysis / loss of sensation of arm or leg
Vision, speech, or balance disturbance
Diabetes History
Diabetes and treatment info (insulin, pills, duration)
Complications of diabetes (coma, kidney disease, circulation, amputation, blindness, other)
Prescription medications for blood pressure and cholesterol (including duration)
Medication inventory (OTC, prescriptions) and pharmacy utilization
Vitamin or dietary supplements (A, C, E, multi, minerals / calcium, fish oil, other)
Physical Activity
Days per week of activity (walking, hiking, cycling, calisthenics, swimming, water aerobics, strength training, other) for at least 15 minutes at a time
Women's Health
Completion of Breast Cancer Screening Questionnaire (BCSQ)
Age at menarche, age at menopause (natural, artificially induced)
Hysterectomy information
Hormones, birth control
Fracture of the hip, spine, forearm, and/or other (including year)