Adult Changes in Thought Study

ACT Form 76 Summary

Data Description

ACT Form 76 collects self-reported family history information of the ACT participants at study baseline (intake visit). This information is separated into 3 different form datasets (Form 76, 86, 87) to help with management of the data structures. A high-level overview of the content areas is shown below.


(Dataset Form 76)

  • Participant’s state or country of birth
  • Participant’s biological parents’ and grandparents’ states or countries of birth

Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, and Children

(Dataset Form 86)

  • Year of birth
  • Living status, year of death, cause of death
  • Whether ever experienced memory problems

Memory Problem Checklist for Relatives 

(Dataset Form 87)

  • Did memory problem last for 6 months or longer
  • Did it begin gradually or suddenly 
  • How did it progress or worsen
  • Did it affect (interfere with) work or social functioning
  • Were memory problems so severe that they became unable to care for themselves
  • How old were they when problems with memory were first recognized
  • Did they ever have a stroke
  • Was a cause for the memory problem diagnosed by a doctor
  • If the memory problem was diagnosed as AD, was it confirmed by autopsy
  • Were they admitted to a nursing home because of these or related problems


Important Note: Form contents have changed over the years so all the above items may not be collected over the full duration of the ACT study. 

Data Structure 

The Form 76 dataset contains one row per participant’s baseline visit at which the study form was collected. 

The Form 86 dataset contains one row per relative (parent, grandparent, sibling, child) on whom the participant reported information at their baseline visit, while the Form 87 dataset contains one row for any of those relatives that the participant reported as having had memory problems.


Historical Data Collection Form (PDF)